There's something new and exciting going on around New York City and it isn't mermaid toast. Guerrilla style installations are popping up everywhere using a medium you can't help but stop for- flowers. The brainchild of these flower flashes is Lewis Miller Design, a floral design studio looking to shake things up and bring botanical beauty in unexpected places.

" I love bringing nature into my clients' homes but bringing flowers to New Yorkers in random surprising ways is just as gratifying, " Miller says. What a treat to walk down the street and see these over the top arrangements appear out of nowhere!

"When you live in a metropolis, surrounding yourself with bountiful flowers and greenery is a great luxury," Miller continues, "New York is a gorgeous but grimy town and the people who live here deserve a random act of beauty. I am in the business of fantasy and flowers and I thought it was time to reach more people with my work." Clearly people are noticing. "Vogue recently called me The Flower Bandit," notes Miller,"I will happily take on that title!"

Keep on the lookout for more flower flashes blooming in NYC, and if your aren't in the city you can always follow their Instagram to keep up with the latest from  The Flower Bandit. #itsplantporn

Images courtesy of Lewis Miller Design

Images courtesy of Lewis Miller Design






