image above: Imane Fiocchi; images below: Pinterest

image above: Imane Fiocchi; images below: Pinterest

If Stevie Nicks was a garden it would look like this.

I went to an astrologer once who included a personalized zodiac anthem during the reading. Mine was "Gypsy" by Stevie Nicks. The astrologer was right about the Stevie Nicks part-  I'm rarely not seen wearing black head to toe and I do like velvet. With my Black Ray petunia love affair going strong, I started brainstorming a "black magic" inspired garden.

 I adore spring cherry blossoms and pink peonies exploding all over Instagram, but there's something crazy/sexy/cool about a dark and sultry selection. Maybe its the "Gypsy" in me.  What these varieties lack in color they make up for in dramatic shapes, rich texture, and an instant "oooh la la!" to your garden.

 Below, some black magic eye candy to inspire you to go a little dark.  #itsplantporn

The selection from top left: bearded iris," Raven Girl";  petunia,"Black Ray"; hellebore,"Onyx Odyssey"; viola,"Penny" series; tulip, Black Parrot;                                  anemone, "Meron Bourdeaux";  calla lily, black dahlia,"Burgundy Black"; hollyhock, "Black Magic"; shiso,"Perilla" variety;  pansy,"Silverbride"; hyacinth, "Dark Dimension"