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by Rebecca Gordon

Did you ever consider how the words plant and planets are quite similar? Well, the planets are pure earthly manifestations of the cosmic energies above. In the wold of ancient Greece all the way through the Middle Ages and Renaissance, connections between certain plants and planets were widely known. Even physicians were required to know  plant- planet correlations and how to read a birth chart in order to make a proper diagnosis.

By surrounding yourself with certain plants in your home and garden, you can in fact conjure in the planetary energy to change your life in a desired way.  One simple way is just to go to your local flower store and see what calls to you. The other is by asking yourself what quality you may like to develop in your life, whether it is love, compassion, a go-getting spirit, or even better sleep. Plants that surround you will help you do that. 

I look at a few things when prescribing plants to people. Often I look at their birth chart and planetary transits as well. The transits show me what they may be going through and the best plant energy to work with. Or someone may simply know exactly what they need in their life and then we would fill the home with that plant. 

I have always been a lover of plants and flowers and an avid practicer of plant magic. Seeing and sharing space with a certain plant for days on end will create a symbiotic relationship between you and the living organism. I also recommend meditating on the shape of the plant so try to  have them in a place where your eyes would normally gaze often. There are vast lessons imbued in each plant in as far as the way they grow and how.

Here is an easy guide on how to transform your life with the power of plants. You may naturally be drawn to the plants of your Sun Sign and rising sign, though perhaps there is a quality in one of the other signs which you may benefit from more. 

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photo source: Pinterest




 You want energy:  the ability to launch that new company, drive, or simply a fresh start in your life. Red Anthurium has the bold, power-packed, go-getter nature of Aries. 

photo source: Pinterest

photo source: Pinterest










You are ready to appreciate life more- its beauty, sensuality- and deepen your connection to nature and the tactile world. Try a large Indoor Palm to ground yourself in the earth, if that is what you crave more. 

photo source: Pinterest

photo source: Pinterest












You are ready to learn a new skill: begin writing a book, a blog, or venture into a brand new form of communication. Or perhaps you just want better communication between you and your partner. Lavender, Dill, and Rosemary are fragrant herbs that all help to foster mental clarity and  communication.








photo source: Pinterest

photo source: Pinterest





 You want to experience a greater sense of softness and safety in life. Perhaps you need more downtime and a reconnection to your home or family.  Jasmine will bring bring sweet aromatherapy and ease your frazzled nerves.








photo source: Pinterest

photo source: Pinterest




Look into Leo plants to enhance creative self expression in your life, more romance and joy. A beautiful bouquet of sunflowers will do the trick.






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photo source: Pinterest




Incorporate the spirit of a stellar health regimen and an efficient lifestyle with Chrysanthemum, loaded with healing properties ranging from anti-inflammatory to relaxing sleep aids.




photo source: Pinterest

photo source: Pinterest






 Bring grace and a more delicate touch to your life with an Orchid. Its delicate nature and variance of pastels speaks to the true Venusian qualities of Libra. 









photo source: Pinterest

photo source: Pinterest





You want the truth, the total realness and are not afraid to go to your depths to get there. Scorpio represents the cycle of life, death and rebirth so surround yourself with these to aide in a major life transition. The dark, inky petals of Black Forest Calla Lillies call to the deep nature of Scorpio.









photo source: Martha Stewart

photo source: Martha Stewart





 Are you ready to travel more, expand your horizons, and have more vivid colors in your life? These plants foster a sense of freedom. Poinsettia will light up your inner-fire and are ideal to have around in prime Sadge season, December. 




photo source: Pinterest

photo source: Pinterest








You want to foster a greater sense of direction and the strong work ethic to meet your lofty goals, and a Capricorn plant is the way to get there. Succulents point to the sun representing upward growth. 










photo source: Pinterest

photo source: Pinterest




When you are ready to be so true to you and let your freak flag fly, this plant will aide your rebel spirit and the most original parts of you. The Bird of Paradise goes its own way. They can also inspire meetings of like-minds. 









photo source: Pinterest

photo source: Pinterest



You are in need of true inner restoration and solace, a deepening of your spiritual practice, compassion, and time to release the daily stressors. Ylang Ylang will  lift your spirits with its intoxicating perfumes also found in a suite of bath and body products designed for relaxation. 









About rebecca

Rebecca Gordon is a renowned New York City astrologer and horoscope columnist at Harper’s Bazaar with a penchant for helping individuals step into their life purpose. She  is the founder and creator of the "My Path Astrology School" and teaches year round classes online and in-person. Her newly released astrology book titled, Your Body and the Stars features the intersection between your body and astrology. To find out more about Rebecca and her school, or to book a reading, go to www.MyPathAstrology.com.


find out more about Rebecca and her Astrology School which begins on October 2, and use Use our vip code PLANTPOWER for your special 20% off on her beginner's astrology class





*promo code: PLANTPOWER